June 3, 2010

I Love Retirement!

I really have not kept up with this.  As soon as I retired we had several major snow storms and then my eyes went wonky.  I had one cataract removed last Thursday and I can see again.  Don’t have a date on the second one. 

I do love not having to go to work each day. Life is so much simpler and I am eating better and treating myself better. And, I’ve lost about 23lbs.

January 18, 2010

9 Working days to retirement.

Wow, I can't believe how long it has been since I wrote in this blog.  I am retireing in 11 days but it is only 9 working days.  Part of me is so excited, but I'm also a little sad.  I will miss the kids terribly, but not miss the noise and some of the behaviors. 
What am I going to do?  I first want to get the house majorly de-cluttered... look out freecycle, here I come.  Then I want to play with my scrapbook supplies and my new Cricut.  I learn more each day and my favorite sites are My Pink Stamper and Craft Junkie Too.  I hope to be able to sell my stuff and make some kind of income that will keep me supplied in craft stuff. 
Have a great day and I will update later

February 17, 2008

My Hospital Stay

What is this thing called Blog? I have wanted to blog for a while, but have not really known how to do it. I guess jumping in is the best thing.

Spent last Sunday - Tuesday in the hospital... I can't remember the last time I was that sick. I had a temperature of 104.6 and my white blood count was 40k (normal is around 800). My lungs were so congested that they could not keep my oxygen saturation at a safe level. COPD reared it's ugly head... Oh, I've had it for years, but kept denying the latest warning signs. Part of the problem is that I caught something from the kids at school and part is because school is so stressful this year that I had used up all my reserves... Let's just say it was a BIG wake-up call. There has been lots of soul searching and will be much more. What is it I really want out of life and what do I have to do to accomplish it. I'm sure this is quite an adventure I'm starting on... Stay tuned for more!